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ASCA CH TreeStarr Shenanigans@Oracle BN CD REM OTDsd STDc DNA-VP/ AKC RA DS TKI CGC
Co-bred and Co-owned with TreeStarr Aussies
Visit Erin’s page.

ASCA/CKC/UKC Ch. Bayberry’s Dusk ‘Til Dawn, AKC Ptd
Winners Bitch at ASCA Nationals PreShow
Best of Winners at the Regional USASA Specialty in Novi 2019
Bred-by Bayberry Aussies
Co-owned with Amy Lewis

Oracle’s Legally Blonde Trstar RN AG. N HNT
Co-owned with Myriam Brochu

Oracle Whisk Away Your Heartsigh 
Co-bred with TreeStarr Aussies
Co-owned with Mandi Juarez

Tesla – Oracle’s Ride to Storybrook of Mychazo
Co-owned with Makayla Woods
Co-bred with Myriam Brochu

Daisy – Oracle’s Draw My Heros (Ferris x Twyla)
co-owned with Hickory Lake Aussies
Bred-by Oracle